About Lucy Farfort
hello, thanks for stopping by!
I am an Illustrator and Author based in Newcastle, specialising in work for the children’s market. As a person of dual heritage (Caribbean-English) who grew up in a small town in the 80s, I never saw people like me in the books I read as a child. Knowing the impact this can have, has made me a passionate advocate for diversity and inclusivity in children’s publishing, and visual media.
The illustrations I make are created using a mix of traditional and digital media – generally watercolour paintings, enhanced with digital overlays brushes and found textures. My writing is focussed on ages 3 – 9, (picture books & chapter books).
Proudest career moments are being awarded first prize for illustration, in Faber Children’s inaugural FAB Prize competition, in 2017, and my debut picture book being shortlisted for the Jhalak Prize and nominated for the Yoto Carnegie Medal for Illustration.
One of the things I love most about my job is chatting and working with children. As part of my work I run workshops in libraries, schools, community spaces, and at book festivals, as well as offer talks and book readings. For book festivals and events please email me via my contact page, and for school visits please visit my author page at Authors Abroad.

my clients
I have worked with many different clients over the years here’s a small selection, Little Tiger Group, Scholastic, Faber Children’s, Knights Of, Tate Publishing, BBC Bitesize, BookTrust, Southbank Centre, Centre For Literacy in Primary Education.
Current projects includes working with a group of local primary school children, to create a Choose Your Own Adventure Story as part of a residency with New Writing North.
If your enquiry is specifically about a school visit, for a workshop or talk please visit my bookings agent Authors Abroad. If it’s regarding creative writing and/or illustration workshops for book festivals, or any events other than for schools, please email me directly.